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Commercial terms

Condiciones comerciales

Commercial terms Bus


Verify if the date, time, price and destination are correct. To travel the ticket must be presented to the bus driver. If the tickets are nominal they are not transferable. The ticket(s) is valid only for the day, time and services specified therein. No claims will be accepted when boarding the bus or at the bus agencies.

1- Returns : Tickets purchased through the Internet or through the call center of Ticket Online / Voyenbus, may be exchanged or returned, only by the CARD HOLDER and by paying the penalties or withholdings provided below, in the following ways: - Online, through the website where the tickets were purchased. You can click here to enter and return your ticket with the data requested.

In case you have problems managing the return through the web, we ask you to write to us using the following form, taking into account our opening hours.


a) Returns will only be accepted up to 1 hour before the departure of the service purchased, without exception.
b) The contact form sended after 9 pm and until 9 am of the day after will be processed after this last hour, take into account for travel that may occur in that time period, since your ticket, in such a case, will be lost.
c) The return or exchange of the passage implies the following retentions according to M.T.N 1317/53:
- 30 % within 24 hours of the bus departure
- 20% within between 24 hours and 48 hours of the bus departure
- 10% more than 48 hours prior the bus departure
- This companies: Expreso del Oeste, Sierras Cordobesas and Betel Turismo only allows a ticket return 24 hours before the departure of the service with the corresponding withholdings.
- This company: Expreso General Artigas EGA, only allows a ticket return 24 hours before the departure of the service with the followin withholding: - 20% entre las 24 hs y 48 hs before departure of the service, - 10% with more than 48 hs of the service departure. Returns 24hs prior to departure are not acepted.

2- Baggage: Your ticket entitles you to carry a handbag with a weight limit of 20 kg, as stipulated by the Res. ST 47/1995, otherwise, verify extra weight fee with the driver of the service (bus).

3- Credit card transactions are authorized by NPS Argentina S.A., a service authorized and approved by all credit card authorization centers in Argentina. The issuer is exclusively responsible for the use, credit conditions, interest, forms of payment and other conditions applicable to credit cards.

4- There is a service charge for the tickets purchased or returned through Ticket Online.

5- Ticket Online in Argentina is the fantasy name of Voyenbus S.A. (Cuit: 30-70963508-1, E.V.T File nº 15893 Disp. 10034) and it is not responsible for expenses or damages, caused by fortuitous event, force major or causes attributable to the transport company. Voyenbus S.A. is a provider of electronic collection and/or payment services and is only responsible for the tickets issued in their emission sites. / In UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - GLOBAL BUSES LLC -447 Sw 36TH Av. Miami Florida, FL 33135 / Phone: +1 305-677-0535

5- During international services, the passenger must meet all the governmental requirements requested to travel and enter or leave a country. Voyenbus S.A. Is not responsible for the costs and inconveniences caused by the failure to respect these requirements by the passenger.

Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Sundays and holidays from 11 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. from (GMT -3)

7- Purchase subject to verification: Every ticket or ticket purchased under this type of contract (Ticket Online) and paid in advance with credit or debit card or any other electronic payment method, is subject to verification by TicketOnline.com.ar or Voyenbus.com . The transport company or service provider reserves the right to: in the event of irregularities, to request to the holder of the ticket or the ticket (passenger),a clear and concrete evidence of the form of payment used to pay the ticket, Which must be presented to the bus terminal authorities or corresponding transportation agency, prior to the provision of the service. TicketOnline.com.ar or Voyenbus.com reserves the right to cancel a transaction in any case that it believes appropriate, informing the customer to the email account or telephone provided at the time of the online purchase or through the call center. All operations are verified and in the event of irregularities the cancellation of the purchase without prior notice will be performed.

8- Traveling minors: Check requirements and necessary documentation by clicking here. It is responsibility of the passenger Present all the corresponding documentation at the bus before traveling, if the passenger does not comply with the requirements of the service required by law, it will be lost in its entirety, without exceptions. will be lost in its entirety, no exceptions.

9- The location of the processing entity is the legal jurisdiction, for the transaction, that governs the contractual relationship between the merchant and the cardholder.

10- All credit and debit card transactions are charged at the point of purchase. Please note that your credit and/or debit card will be charged directly at the time of the transaction.

12- Privacy Policy