Buses from Córdoba to Chilecito

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Bus trip Córdoba ↔ Chilecito: Travel summary and data

Salidas diarias
Aprox. 4
horas de salida
02:40 - 23:31
Precio y valor del pasaje
Aprox. $
Duración del viaje
Aprox. 06:39

Travel route map Córdoba - Chilecito

Comprar pasajes saliendo de Córdoba a Chilecito. Pasajes baratos a Chilecito en bus precio y horario desde Córdoba.

Means of payment:

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About buying with Ticket Online

Are you looking for bus tickets from Córdoba to Chilecito round-trip? With TicketOnline you can search through the main Argentinian bus companies. You will be able to buy online at the best prices available, your bus tickets to Chilecito and to choose the time at the lowest price. The purchase is absolutely secure and reliable, and we guarantee you the best prices on bus tickets from Córdoba by bus, to Chilecito. You can buy your ticket at the top of this page Thank you for choosing TicketOnline.

Buses → Córdoba - Chilecito:

Pasajes baratos a Chilecito en bus precio y horario desde Córdoba.

Information about Córdoba:

Córdoba (also called "Cba", or "La Docta" [named for that is where the first university in the country was founded]) is an Argentine town located in the center of the country, is one of the most prosperous cities and with largest number of inhabitants in the country. The city is located in the central part of the Province of Córdoba, of which it is the capital city.

Córdoba is considered one of the most important administrative, cultural, educational, financial and tourist centers, not only in the region, but also in the country. In fact, the city of Córdoba is the second most populous city in the country, just behind the City of Buenos Aires, with a population of more than 1.3 million inhabitants.

Some of the points of tourist interest that you can not miss if you travel to Córdoba are: The Jesuit Square, neighborhoods such as; Güemes or Nueva Córdoba, Plaza San Martín, Mercado Norte, Sarmiento Park, Juan de Tejeda Religious Art Museum, Paseo del Buen Pastor, Sacred Heart Church and Emilio Caraffa Museum, among many other local points of reference.

Another interesting fact is that the City of Córdoba often serves as a base to visit other Cordoba tourist locations, which are not few, some of them are: Alta Gracia, La Falda, Capilla del Monte, Villa Carlos Paz and Villa General Belgrano .

The distance between Córdoba and Chilecito, traveling by bus, is approximately 500 kilometers (about 6 hours by bus).

By selecting, above in the search engine, the city of origin and destination, and the desired date to travel, you can buy tickets for Córdoba - Chilecito and Chilecito - Córdoba by bus.

Information about Chilecito:

Chilecito is a town in Argentina, located in the center of the country, in the Cuyo region, it is also part of the Province of La Rioja, in fact it is the second most populous city in the province, just behind the capital, the La Rioja city.

The city of Chilecito itself is not considered as an especially tourist town, but it is worth mentioning two things, first of all, it is located in a key geographical point, surrounded by tourist attractions of the natural type, so many people use it as a base to visit nearby locations. Next, it should be noted that according to different studies, the number of travelers visiting Chilecito has increased in recent years.

Some of the points of interest that you can not miss if you travel to Chilecito are: Museo Molino de San Francisco, Indigenous Calendar, Cableway Museum of Mining, Cristo del Portezuelo, Chapel of La Virgen de La Merced, La Riojana, Samay Huasi, Vuelta Al Pique and Cablecarril Mina La Mexicana, among other local reference points.

An interesting fact of Chilecito, is that, economically, it stands out as a wine producing town, so we recommend at least visiting one of the wineries, for example the La Riojana Winery.

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